Thursday, September 4, 2008

Settling in...

We are fairly well settled into the new digs. The kids are in school. We've met most of the neighbors. There are only a couple of boxes on the main floor that need to be unpacked.

It is so nice to be near our family. My parents have watched the kids several times over the last couple of months so that the hubby and I could do stuff around the house or do something together. But, I do miss our old life. I think the main difference is that although family wasn't nearby, I had a life. I had friends I could call up and do things with. I was in a neighborhood book club. There were moms of my kids' friends I could call up if in a bind. I know that will happen here eventually but it will take time. One of the best things about our previous home is that a friend I have known for nearly 15 years lived in the same community (less than a mile away). We had never lived in the same town before and we loved it. Practically every Friday night found us at their house or them at our house for dinner. The kids would play and the parents would hang out together. I miss that!

But, we have to focus on life here. There is the wee one ("Boo") arriving in a couple of months and lots to do before that time! Yes, during all of this I have been pregnant and it hasn't been pretty. Also, my oldest seems to be struggling to adjust to a new school. There have been several mornings where he's refused to get on the bus. I completely understand but it is so frustrating. He has special needs/learning disabilities/developmental delays....peg him how you will....and is leaving the "regular" classroom for much of the day to go into a small group setting for most of his learning. He also received occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy while at school. It is a busy day for him. While I hate that he has to be pulled out of the regular classroom I know this is best for his learning. Unfortunately his social skills aren't the best either and this doesn't help that.

Lots going on but I'm going to try to do a better job of "documenting" it.

Friday, June 6, 2008

I survived!

It's been a wild and crazy few months! But, I survived and I feel like dancing on the roof tops!

For the past 2+ months The Husband and I have lived in two different states. And I don't mean states of being, but US States. He has flown "home" every couple of weeks for a 3 or 4 day weekend but that is it. It's been particularly difficult because baby #3 is set to arrive in October. So, not only has there been a 6 year old and a 5 year old in the house, there has been a hormonal, fatigued pregnant woman!

But, it's over! The Husband flies in today, the movers arrive Monday and we're driving to our new house Friday and Saturday. (It's about a 15 hour jaunt)

I have put off several things I need to do to prepare and so now am feeling a bit stressed - not that I wasn't before!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


So, I'm not so good at this blogging thing. I started it to document our lives (sort of) but life keeps getting in the way of my documentation!

Since I last posted we have had two snow days, a bout of strep throat, an ear infection, a full body rash in reaction to the antibiotics for the ear infection, the official listing of our house, an average of 4 showings a week, 1 open house, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, an Easter Celebration at preschool and the start of The Girl's "spring break". Oh, and an emergency trip to the dentist for what amounted to be a very severely bitten inside cheek! (It could have been much worse!)


Lots going on but it's been hard to write about any of it!

We're getting ready to leave for our house hunting trip. It will be nice to finally see some of the houses I've been looking at for the past 3 months on the Internet! I am not optimistic that we will find the house on this trip but we shall see. I think I am most looking forward to The Hubster and I having a couple of nights to ourselves at a hotel while the youngsters are with Grandma and Grandpa. Although I'll probably be so exhausted from looking at houses that I won't be able to enjoy it!

Oh, and of course, in the midst of all of that we will celebrate Easter.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Nothing gets past these two!

It all started innocently enough. In a rare moment of clarity in December, I distracted my kids from their backseat bickering by asking them to look out their car window for Christmas lights.

For some reason The Boy decided that we need to say "ding" when we saw lights or decorations. The Girl thought we needed to say "Christmas Tree".

So, for the next month anytime anyone saw decorations they shouted "Christmas Tree Ding!" The Hubster and I were laughing until we were crying at some points. (Guess you had to be there!)

As soon as Christmas was over, however, the grinches started yelling "take down your lights!"

Now, it's "Christmas Tree Ding, Take Down Your Lights!"

Maybe having two kids yelling at his house every day will get my neighbor to take his lights down before Easter this year!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How to feel like a bad parent in 8 easy steps

1. Send your child to school on Friday even though said child, who is usually in constant motion, has spent all morning laying on the couch. He doesn't have a fever and isn't throwing up, he should go to school! Besides, he threw a fit when it was mentioned that he should stay home.

2. Pick said child up from school after he was sent to the nurse with a low-grade fever.

3. Continue on with normal weekend plans because child is acting completely "normal" and is not running a fever.

4. Notice an odd rash on your child Sunday morning but it goes away after a dose of Tylenol. Host a small Super Bowl Party with 6 children and 6 adults that evening.

5. Even though you had planned on keeping the child home from school to make sure rash hasn't returned, send him anyway because he got very upset at the idea of staying home. And, again, he does not have a fever.

6. After having spent all day at school, notice the return of the rash during bathtime that evening.

7. Call doctor's office and nurse suggests bringing the child in since it could be strep-throat.

8. Take said child to doctor who does indeed confirm that he has strep throat. Even though child has not complained once of a sore throat!

In just eight easy steps, you too can feel like a terrible parent. And, assure that your friends. as well as your child's classmates' parents, hate you because you exposed their precious peanuts to strep!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The case of the missing tooth!

The Boy lost his first tooth this summer. Literally lost it.

We were spending the day in Washington, DC before taking my sister-in-law to the airport. The entire time we are walking around he is working that tooth. A few minutes later we looked over and the tooth was gone. We looked down at the ground and laughed. We were on a sidewalk covered with little pebbles about the size of a baby tooth! After attempting to look for a few minutes we gave up and decided the tooth fairy would come anyway!

A few days later he practically pulled a second loose tooth out of his head! That one he was able to hang on to.

All was quiet on the tooth front for a while until a few days ago. When I picked him up from school I noticed right away something was missing! And, of course, it really is missing. It was lost on the bus, never to be found! Nothing a note to the tooth fairy couldn't fix...."Dear tooth fairy, I lost my tooth on the bus". Literally.

Oh, and you'd think by now the tooth fairy would realize this is going to be a common occurance at our house and have some funds at the ready.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New Year's Resolution

I did not make any resolutions this year.

Actually, I take that back. I made one. To use the auto feature on my coffee pot every day so that I wake up and the coffee is ready. I am 1 for 16.

That is part of the reason I did not make any resolutions. I can not keep them.

The other reason is that I know this year is going to be challenging enough as it is. My main resolution is going to be to make it through the year.

In '08 I know that we are moving half way across the country.

Which entails:
2. selling a house
3. searching for and buying a new house
4. packing
5. unpacking
6. finding new doctors, dentists, hairdressers, libraries, parks, kids places, stores, dry cleaners, babysitters, friends
7. saying goodbye to good friends
8. living within 45 minutes of most of our family for the first time ever

This year we will also send my youngest off to kindergarten and my oldest to a new school, again.

We have done this before. By the time we move we will have been in our house and in this community for just under 2 years. Prior to that we had a wonderful yet challenging opportunity to live overseas for two years.

Packing, unpacking, starting new schools and making new friends, we have become experts at that.

Hopefully this will be our last move for a long time. But you never know. That is why they say that life is full of surprises.

I know that once we are settled we will love living closer to our families. It is just that the road to that contentment that will be very bumpy.