Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How to feel like a bad parent in 8 easy steps

1. Send your child to school on Friday even though said child, who is usually in constant motion, has spent all morning laying on the couch. He doesn't have a fever and isn't throwing up, he should go to school! Besides, he threw a fit when it was mentioned that he should stay home.

2. Pick said child up from school after he was sent to the nurse with a low-grade fever.

3. Continue on with normal weekend plans because child is acting completely "normal" and is not running a fever.

4. Notice an odd rash on your child Sunday morning but it goes away after a dose of Tylenol. Host a small Super Bowl Party with 6 children and 6 adults that evening.

5. Even though you had planned on keeping the child home from school to make sure rash hasn't returned, send him anyway because he got very upset at the idea of staying home. And, again, he does not have a fever.

6. After having spent all day at school, notice the return of the rash during bathtime that evening.

7. Call doctor's office and nurse suggests bringing the child in since it could be strep-throat.

8. Take said child to doctor who does indeed confirm that he has strep throat. Even though child has not complained once of a sore throat!

In just eight easy steps, you too can feel like a terrible parent. And, assure that your friends. as well as your child's classmates' parents, hate you because you exposed their precious peanuts to strep!

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