Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The case of the missing tooth!

The Boy lost his first tooth this summer. Literally lost it.

We were spending the day in Washington, DC before taking my sister-in-law to the airport. The entire time we are walking around he is working that tooth. A few minutes later we looked over and the tooth was gone. We looked down at the ground and laughed. We were on a sidewalk covered with little pebbles about the size of a baby tooth! After attempting to look for a few minutes we gave up and decided the tooth fairy would come anyway!

A few days later he practically pulled a second loose tooth out of his head! That one he was able to hang on to.

All was quiet on the tooth front for a while until a few days ago. When I picked him up from school I noticed right away something was missing! And, of course, it really is missing. It was lost on the bus, never to be found! Nothing a note to the tooth fairy couldn't fix...."Dear tooth fairy, I lost my tooth on the bus". Literally.

Oh, and you'd think by now the tooth fairy would realize this is going to be a common occurance at our house and have some funds at the ready.

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