Friday, June 6, 2008

I survived!

It's been a wild and crazy few months! But, I survived and I feel like dancing on the roof tops!

For the past 2+ months The Husband and I have lived in two different states. And I don't mean states of being, but US States. He has flown "home" every couple of weeks for a 3 or 4 day weekend but that is it. It's been particularly difficult because baby #3 is set to arrive in October. So, not only has there been a 6 year old and a 5 year old in the house, there has been a hormonal, fatigued pregnant woman!

But, it's over! The Husband flies in today, the movers arrive Monday and we're driving to our new house Friday and Saturday. (It's about a 15 hour jaunt)

I have put off several things I need to do to prepare and so now am feeling a bit stressed - not that I wasn't before!