Monday, February 11, 2008

Nothing gets past these two!

It all started innocently enough. In a rare moment of clarity in December, I distracted my kids from their backseat bickering by asking them to look out their car window for Christmas lights.

For some reason The Boy decided that we need to say "ding" when we saw lights or decorations. The Girl thought we needed to say "Christmas Tree".

So, for the next month anytime anyone saw decorations they shouted "Christmas Tree Ding!" The Hubster and I were laughing until we were crying at some points. (Guess you had to be there!)

As soon as Christmas was over, however, the grinches started yelling "take down your lights!"

Now, it's "Christmas Tree Ding, Take Down Your Lights!"

Maybe having two kids yelling at his house every day will get my neighbor to take his lights down before Easter this year!

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